At this time, many people are sick or hospitalized and are in need of some spiritual support. Many do not have access to a Priest or Minister. To help with this emergency situation, we have posted information for Healthcare workers, Chaplains or family members to be able to administer the Sacrament of the Sick. The instructions include how to prepare the anointing oil as well as the prayer. We will be available to virtually help with any spiritual need via a phone call.
Please call 301-464-5690 or check our Find a Priest listings to find a local CITI priest.
Blessing of the Oil of the Sick
(olive oil is normally used but you can use any oil derived from plants – can add a few drops of essential oil if you like)
The traditional blessing:
Lord God, loving Father, you bring healing to the sick through your Son Jesus Christ. Hear us as we pray to you in faith, and send the Holy Spirit, people’s Helper and Friend, upon this oil, which nature has provided to serve the needs of all. May your blessing + come upon all who are anointed with this oil, that they may be freed from pain and illness and made well again in body, mind and soul. Father, may this oil be blessed for our use in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen
Here is an alternate blessing:
Gracious God, you sent Jesus to heal the world. Send the power of your Holy Spirit, the Consoler into the precious oil. God of mercy and compassion, bless + and sanctify this oil. Make this oil a remedy for all who are anointed with it; heal them in body, soul and in spirit, and deliver them from every affliction. We ask this through Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen
Anointing Prayer
(Take the oil on your fingertip and anoint the sick person on the forehead and the palms of their hands either daubing on or making the sign of the cross, saying once:)
Through this Holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy, help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen
May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. Amen
Lord Jesus Christ, you shared in our human nature to heal the sick and save all humankind. Mercifully listen to your prayers for the physical and spiritual health of our sick sister/brother whom we have anointed in your name. May your protection console her/him and your strength make her/him well again. You are Lord forever and ever. Amen