Our annual Board of Directors meeting happened via telecom this year. We are planning to continue our discussion face to face in January if possible. Don Horrigan, Secretary/ Treasurer and Mallory Schmitt, Business Manger reviewed financial reports with us and the consensus by the Board deemed CITI Ministries fiscally sound.
As of October 15, 2016 CITI Ministries has a membership of 117 married priests, down twelve from last year. We welcomed three new priests since our last Board Meeting: Daniel Sullivan from Illinois, James Zegers from New York and Richard Meyette from Michigan. We are always open to new members. If you know of classmates who have left canonical ministry but have not shown interest in the past, please mention CITI and why you think it is relevant in today’s world. As you know from your own experience we all change and evolve over the years. It may just take a gentle nudge from a friend or former colleague for someone to reconsider joining CITI Ministries. I am also hopeful that after another year of dialogue, CITI will be in a position to welcome all kinds of folks as members who will participate in a variety of ministries with community involved projects… more on that in another newsletter!
I am happy to report that the Board did a wonderful job following up on proposals that were set forth in last year’s annual meeting. We made 2016 a “Year of Dialogue & Discernment” with the theme: Affirming our Ministries, Affirming our Future. Board members attended various conferences or events held during the year including: Dignity DC, SNAP, ICCC, FCM , CORPUS and RCWP. There were many discussions, workshops and relationships that made each event worth our time, effort and expense. It also gave us a chance to meet other CITI members who were in attendance.
We incorporated a “Spotlight” article which was submitted with the quarterly newsletter as well as an attachment to emails in off newsletter months. These articles were written by Board members and CITI priests who shared their personal stories and experiences in ministry. They were very powerful and it was a great opportunity to learn more about our members. The articles were sometimes shared on the citi-l list which gave more opportunity for dialogue. I will submit an email exchange of that dialogue in a separate Spotlight edition today because I know that many of you may not have seen the exchange as it occurred.
Expect a phone call from one of our Board members in the next few months as we attempt to reach out to each of you personally. We are committed to expanding our sense of community. Hopefully these conversations can lead to our meeting your needs and your ideas and suggestions meeting the needs of CITI.
I am inviting each of you to consider attending the annual ICCC Conference this year, especially those members living on the east coast. The location is in Cherry Hill, NJ. CITI Ministries will have a separate gathering with our membership on Sunday, July 16th. The ICCC Conference runs through Thursday, July 20th. You may attend all or part of the meeting.
Renewal Time!
Last week I sent out an email with the renewal form for 2017. To counter excessive credit card fees we are requesting payment by check if at all possible. We are transitioning to a Paypal system and ask for a small donation if paying by credit card to help offset processing fees. Please remember to send in the renewal form either by mail, email or fax (301)464-5691.
We will be updating our website and publicizing that fact in 2017. Please make sure to renew quickly as we will make every effort to record any changes to the website as renewals come in. In the past we have waited until mid-January to begin making changes. This year I am hoping to break a record for CITI renewals. Let’s make our 25th anniversary the year to get all renewals in by Dec. 31st 2016!
I would like to express my appreciation to all of you for your dedication to serving the underserved in our churches and communities. The stories shared over the course of this year’s conferences and email exchanges certainly affirm our ministry and affirm our future.
The CITI Ministries Board of Directors thanks you for your prayers and support!
Judy Lorenz, President
Patrick Journet, Vice-President
Donald Horrigan, Secretary/Clerk/Treasurer
Charlie Schmitt, Chairman
Thomas Brooks, Director
David Lorenz, Director
Donna Podobinski, Director
Mallory Schmitt, Director
Frank McGrath, Director Emeritus
William Podobinski, Director Emeritus