Hello, Happy Summer!
At our last Board Meeting
we had appointed a new treasurer which was helpful, but I was still feeling burdened by the fiscal responsibilities associated with being president of a non-profit organization. Thankfully, after the Board had brainstormed, we found a wonderful person to help us out. In late January Mallory Schmitt became the Business Manager for CITI Ministries. She is handling the day to day business dealings including bookkeeping, financial reports and tax records. Mallory is the wife of CITI priest, Charlie Schmitt. They live in Shady Side, Maryland.
In February it came time to search for an alternative living place for my ninety year old mom. I began searching facilities in my area and by April my mom made the decision to move from the Eastern Shore of Maryland to my neck of the woods. The month of May was frenzied as we downsized her home and prepared for the June 3rd move. She is now in a continuing care facility and lives ten minutes from me. This is great news and I consider it a privilege to be able to serve her better at this time of her life.
CITI Business
In the meantime CITI 2015 renewals came in at its slowest pace since I’ve been president. In 2014 CITI had a membership of 136 priests. Jim Lovejoy from Maine and Gerald Leonard from Arizona passed away and we pray for them and their families as they continue to mourn the loss of these fine gentlemen. There were 13 priests who did not renew with half of them not responding to contact attempts.
We did welcome one returning priest, David Maes – CO, and two new priests; Dennis Wargo – PA and Leo O’Boyle – FL. Daniel Sullivan – IL is in the process of becoming certified. That brings us to a total membership of 125 priests for 2015.
Sacramental info.
In response to suggestions, I have ordered a new set of Baptismal certificates for CITI Ministries. In place of Godmother and Godfather, there will be two spaces designated as Godparent. Our marriage certificates do not have bride or groom listed so they are not a problem. The online sacramental registry will be updated to choose spouse/spouse in order to accommodate the nationwide availability of same sex marriages. Please email us with an order for new baptismal certificates and we will mail them when they arrive at this office. The suggested donation is $10.00 for a pack of 20 certificates.
While CITI Ministries has chosen to focus its attention on providing the ministry of married priests by making them available at this moment, there are other organizations trying hard to have it restored within the R.C. Church. For those of you who wish to actively participate in this mission, you may want to visit this website: https://futurechurch.org/looming-priest-shortage-calamity-at-our-doorstep
No more Rentapriest
Please refrain from using any materials or emails referring to rentapriest.com. The domain is down and it causes us to experience disruption in our email system. You can email jlorenz@citiministries.org, admin@citiministries.org or info@citiministries.org. Thank you!
Book Review
Back in December CITI Ministries Priest, Paul Veliyathil, sent me a copy of his recent book entitled
T.H.R.I.V.E Six keys to a fuller life. The initials stand for Think, Harmony, Re-cognition, Introspection, Vision and Expiration. Paul takes his readers on a journey to explore themselves and the world by focusing on varying elements of one’s cognition, senses, and awareness of what this life has to offer and what one has to offer it. Moving from negativity to positivity and striving to understand ourselves as part of this universe, Paul begins with the basics and introduces fresh perspectives and challenges for the reader seeking a peaceful, spiritual and meaningful way of living life. You can find his book on www.amazon.com
Two books that were recently recommended to me by CITI Ministries priest, Tom Kincaid:
God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical case in Support of Same Sex Relationships by Matthew Vines
Master of Ceremonies: by Donald Cozzens
A novel by critically-acclaimed author Donald Cozzens that takes us behind the scenes of the Roman Catholic Church for an unflinching look at clergy sexual abuse and its very personal consequences. Cozzens weaves an intricate story of scholars and trained killers, bishops and priests, church ladies and clandestine operatives struggling–each in their own way–to protect the institution they venerate or to blow the lid off the oldest boys’ club in the world.
Please send your own review of a book you would like me to consider featuring in the CITI newsletter.
The CITI Ministries Board of Directors thanks you for your ministry and asks for your prayers and support.
Judy Lorenz, President
Patrick Journet, Vice-President
Jerry Siegmund, Chairman of the Board
Donald Horrigan, Secretary/Clerk
Steve Stahley, Treasurer
Thomas Brooks, Director
David Lorenz, Director
Frank McGrath, Director
Donna Podobinski, Director
Jean Pelletier, Director
Fran Salone-Pelletier, Director