CITI Welcomes our new Board Members
Jeff Long is a chaplain, consultant, and certified life coach. As a chaplain, he specializes in providing professional spiritual resources for individuals, families, businesses, healthcare facilities, hospice, and organizations. As a life coach, Jeff guides individuals and groups struggling in their life or facing hard choices to navigate transitions.
Jeff has a diverse background which includes: life coaching, business, theology, health care/hospice, criminal justice, and teaching. He has been through many changes professionally and personally and has navigated them by communicating, actively listening, motivating, setting goals, and writing action plans. There has also beengrief, loss, and end of life issues in Jeff’s professional and personal life. Jeff has been present at hundreds of deaths and provides emotional, spiritual, and practical support to the dying individual and his or her family members.
Jennifer Marie Lucas – Born in the late 50’s, raised as a Roman Catholic, Jennifer Marie attended parochial grade school and was an alter server along with being a member of the church choir. Jenn was not born female, she was baptized Michael Joseph. After a long 48 years of inner turmoil, Jenn started exploring her options and at age 54 she became fully the woman she was meant to be. For obvious reasons the changes that Jenn pursued did not resonate well with the Roman Catholic Church. Despite this, she reaffirmed her Catholic faith.
One of the most common statements made toward people like Jenn is “God doesn’t make mistakes.” She believes wholeheartedly in that remark although with a different perspective. She believes that God puts people like herself in a position to make a difference. After serving the transgender community for over eight years with the primary directive of educating the public, she is now focusing on using her story to bridge some of the gaps that exist in the Roman Catholic hierarchy and the LGBTQIA Community. Jenn sums it up by saying:“We are all God’s children….no one is worthy of casting judgment on another…especially in God’s name”.Jenn deeply believes in the mission and the current relevance of CITI Ministries. Her spiritual attitude is everone of readiness, of openness to however The Spirit wishes to utilize her gifts, talents and life’s experiences.
Thank you both for your willingness to serve!
Welcome Back
We welcome back Gregory Noel and Terence McDonough as members. Greg is now living in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Terence is in Massachusetts.
Tom Kincaid
On Sunday, October 28th, several members of CITI/Maryland gathered in a diner in Ellicott City to stage an early birthday celebration for our brother and fellow CITI member, Tom Kincaid. In November, Tom will turn 93 and the Maryland crew wanted to get the celebration started early! In addition to Tom and his wife, Linda, CITI board members Charlie and Mallory Schmitt and Don Horrigan were on hand along with Don’s wife, Pat, and Steve Stahley. While our meal was excellent, as they always are at the legendary Double T, what was most nourishing was the warmth and joy as we broke bread together and caught up on all that’s been happening in our busy lives.
Tom was in fine form and, as we hoped and expected, he shared stories that covered not only his years as a canonical priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore (ordained in 1951), but his life as a farmer, an educator, and an international development emissary. From his roots in rural Southwest Virginia through his seminary and priesthood career to his overseas work in Africa–where he met his wife, Linda–Tom has touched countless lives with his wisdom, humor, and his
profound sensitivity to the deepest needs of those who have sought him out for counsel and support. Among the members of our CITI community in Maryland, Tom has become both our elder statesman and our go-to stand- up comedian, when that need arises. His presence in our midst is a gift that keeps on giving.
Plans are already underway for a grand celebration of Tom’s 100th birthday (as well as every birthday between now and then). Ad multos annos, Tom!
Regional Coordinators Wanted
As a way of building community, we envision regional coordinators across the country. Our first
volunteer is Jeff Long in Chicagoland as our Mid-West representative. He has been in contact with many of our CITI priests and is formulating plans for a regional gathering in the new year. We hope to have several representatives in the various regions of the country to keep in touch with the local members, maybe plan some local gatherings, etc. If anyone is interested in becoming a regional coordinator, please let me know at mallory@citiministries.org
Expanding Your Ministry?
Have you received a request to perform something outside of your usual ministry?Do you have any questions that you’d like answered by a fellow Priest? The following members are available to answer your questions:
Funerals – Don Horrigan 301-646-5770 dhorrigan01@comcast.net
Hospital/Hospice Chaplaincy – Jeff Long 630-398-9553 frlong2015@gmail.com
Weddings – Charlie Schmitt 410-867-7880 charlie@fracharles.com
Home Masses – Don Horrigan 301-646-5770 dhorrigan01@comcast.net
If you are willing to answer questions that our members may have, please let us know. Please email Mallory at mallory@citiministries.org
The CITI Ministries Board of Directors thanks you for your support!
Read the full newsletter here:
CITI Newsletter November 2018 pdf